A Big Question for Max Lucado
Here is the story of asking Max to write the foreword of Church Unique. [...]
Church Unique Vlog Kick-off: Why I Wrote the Book
Since I am headed out on vacation for a bit, I thought I would share some nuggets from each chapter of the book. I hope you summer is going well! [...]
The Art of Not Being There Part 2: Building a Vision Team
This is the first post to announce a tool that I have been working on with Group Publishing, called the Church Unique Vision Kit. The Kit is designed for church planters and churches under 400 in [...]
4 Keys to Intense, Creative Productivity
I am currently spending "time away" to work and write on a Church Unique follow-up piece. In pursuit of time filled with intense personal production and high creativity, I have found these four [...]
10 Reasons Why Vague is Your Enemy
To be vague as a leader is to be dim, faint, shadowy, wispy, undefined and obscure. The cost of being vague is so high, it should be considered an enemy. Consider the cost. If you are vague...People [...]