For years, I have been thinking about, and writing about, how to discover and apply a unique vision in your personal life. But, I have primarily shared these ideas with friends and pastors who I have close relationships with. They have responded positively to these concepts and have encouraged me to share this with more leaders. I am really pumped to share these with you now.
So, what would it look like if you could have stunning clarity about your gifts, leadership, calling and direction? I will be sharing more about this in the future. For now, I would like to invite you to attend two workshops I will be conducting at #Exponential.
It's Your Call: Finding and Aligning Your Personal Vision
Do you ever feel stuck in your ministry or wonder about God's next step for your life? Are you tired of the same old personality assessments or identifying a list of strengths that never impacts your role description? If you are ready for a fresh approach to really grasping your unique life purpose, don't miss this session. I will cover four imperatives that will move you toward the full engagement of your gifting and calling with tools for both the long-term horizon and immediate next steps.
Unlocking Your Motivational View of the World
Yes, you were created to glorify God and to follow Jesus. But many ministry leaders stop there when it comes to articulating their life vision. The result is an over generalized sense of purpose that fails to bring stunning clarity to personal leadership. What if you could know, with greater precision, why God put you on planet earth? What if you could name in a simple and compelling way, your totally unique contribution to the world? That's what your motivational view of the world is all about. Don't wait any longer to unlock this powerful perspective.
I hope you are intrigued and will join me along with members of the Auxano team and the other presenters and leaders at this great conference.