What is the first step? Dialogue. What is constantly overlooked? Dialogue. So I created a tool to jump-start real dialogue.
Don't underestimate the power of robust interaction as a team. Why? The common practice is to leave vision on paper and go back to business as usual. And business as usual is usually riddled with silo-based, ministry-department thinking. (See Tony Morgan's excellent post on What if Target Operated Like a Church.)
The simple tool places your Vision Frame in the center and clarifies the five areas of integration for any church. And guess what? You can't hide in your ministry silo. The tool forces cross-ministry, cross-program conversations. We call it the Integration Model (Ok, not real creative I know!) Are we living out our vision through...
- Developing Leadership
- Intentional Communication
- Duplicatable Process
- Compelling Environments
- Conscious Culture
Here is how you can start using the tool today:
- Subscribe to Auxano Insights (Free). We cover more details and share client stories from the Integration Model. See this month's issue called Culture Candy
- Read part 4 of Church Unique. (That's right, skip ahead.) Three key principles are given for each of the five areas. That's 15 principles- see the summary here.
- Check out the Vision Deck. We designed these 52 "ice-breaker-on-steriods" leadership exercises to turn up the heat on vision talk. They are organized by the Integration Model.
- Scan this blog. My topics are all organized by the Vision Integration Model.
Without dialogue there will never be awareness, understanding, collaboration and accountability to do something different based on the vision.