- Vision is a picture of the future that creates passion in people.
- God didn’t make you a leader so that you could merely reside in a position, but God made you a leader to move people from here to there. To make people so discontent with the way things are.
- Every significant vision that God births in you is going to put your courage to the test.
- Every leader knows how ugly it would be to move a cause halfway and then not be able to finish the job.
- What do some leaders do when they get a challenging vision from God? They abort secretly. I believe that God has sent millions of visions to leaders all over the world. No one knows that all of these visions are being aborted though.
- Don't go to the grave with unrecognized visions dying inside
- If you knew your vision would succeed, you would drop everything and pursue it today. But you lack one thing, basic bravery. Old fashioned courage.
- Visions are holy commodities. They come from our transcendent God. Treat them with utmost respect.
- There’s a time to cast vision, and then there’s a time to instill viable value.
- Some of the most rewarding experiences in a leader’s marathon are reserved for quite late in the race.
- Leaders, do not bail on your mission, no matter how tough it gets.