As clarity evangelist I am proud of the clarity I embody in my personal life, family life, and ministry life. If I didn’t have clarity personally I shouldn’t be trying to help others discover it! On Thursday, however, I spent the entire day with my coach that enabled me to really ponder afresh the statement I often share, “Vision is your greatest asset.” One of my favorite quotes of the day is from Napolean Hill. He said, “Cherish your and visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul.”
I realized that in the last several years we have accomplished some major milestones at Auxano. It is now time to discern and articulate the “developing Polaroid picture” of where God is taking us next. Specifically I realized that one side of Auxano’s Vision Frame is less clear in my mind (and therefore on our team) than the other three sides. We have always had stunning clarity on mission, values, and strategy, but not always with our mission measures. So we are collaborating and articulating and you can see the results below:
Our mission: (What we do) Navigating leaders through growth challenges with vision clarity
Our values: (Why we do it)
Clarity first: Clarity isn't everything but it changes everything
Carnivorous learning: Lead with questions, not answers
Contagious passion for the bride of Christ: Jesus is the hope of the world and the church embodies His mission
Our strategy: (How do we do it)
Mission measures: (When we're successful)
I realized that in the last several years we have accomplished some major milestones at Auxano. It is now time to discern and articulate the “developing Polaroid picture” of where God is taking us next. Specifically I realized that one side of Auxano’s Vision Frame is less clear in my mind (and therefore on our team) than the other three sides. We have always had stunning clarity on mission, values, and strategy, but not always with our mission measures. So we are collaborating and articulating and you can see the results below:
Our mission: (What we do) Navigating leaders through growth challenges with vision clarity
Our values: (Why we do it)
Clarity first: Clarity isn't everything but it changes everything
Carnivorous learning: Lead with questions, not answers
Contagious passion for the bride of Christ: Jesus is the hope of the world and the church embodies His mission
Our strategy: (How do we do it)
- Onsite, side-by-side consulting
- Training through Vision co::Labs
- Tool-making (forthcoming
Mission measures: (When we're successful)
- Everyday Visionaries: We see everyday pastors becoming everyday visionaries
- Real Team: We equip passionate individuals to experience real synergy
- Unique Expression: We unfold a unique model of ministry for every local church
- Redemptive Movement: We imagine every church becoming an epicenter of Jesus' redemptive movement