Here is a short explanation from Bob.
Sullivan taught us to organize our time using six words: Free Days, Focus Days and Buffer Days. A Focus Day is primetime for work. For an NFL Quarterback, it is time to suit up and get your game face on – time to concentrate. Buffer Days are for practice, preparation, fulfilling promises and cleaning up all those loose ends (dental appointments and email responses). A Free Day is a 24-hour period dedicated to rest, recharging and recreation. On my 62nd birthday, I gave myself a gift of one more Free Day a week. As my antidote to burn out and full time retirement, I chose to chill out, go to the Farm one day early and return refreshed on Monday morning.
Here are a few quotes on the topic of FREE DAYS from an article by Dan Sullivan entitled, 10 Strategies for Developing a Multiplier Mindset:
- When any day can be a work day, you find yourself working all of the time.
- Fatigue, burnout and a lack of energy decrease communication, originality and risk-taking.
- If you really want to grow your business [ministry] you must get away from it.
- You never know how good your team is until you leave.
- Take more time off even if it is a leap of faith at first.
This advice parallels my own journey. I have found that the most dramatic steps forward in my own creativity, content development, and strategy development come when the FREE DAYS are not just guarded but increased. What about you? How will you increase your FREE DAYS in 2011?
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Get Dan Sullivan's Strategies for Developing a Multiplier Mindset (How to Get to the Top and Stay There)