I woke up this morning excited for several reasons. First, Jim Randall, Auxano's chief managing officer and I did some dreaming late into the night about Auxano's future. Second, I can't wait to connect with hundreds of Houston pastors in a little while at an event hosted by William Vanderbloemen, a friend, pastor of Crypress Creek Christian Church, and fellow "strategic outsider" with FaithSearch Partners. I met William several years ago when he brought Auxano in to navigate the Vision Pathway with his team. Today he is bringing in Tony Morgan to talk with pastors about all things church strategy (including killing cockroaches.)
But then I got really jazzed when I read these two posts on vision:
2) Mac Lake "raised me 5" in his contribution to #visiondrip in a post called Cast Vision Everyday. I thinks its time for some others to bring their 5 to the table!