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The Younique 48-Hour Retreat: Ultimate Clarity at Life’s Crucial Moments
The Younique 48-Hour Retreat: Ultimate Clarity at Life’s Crucial Moments
One-On-One Coaching Can Make All the Difference
One of the disciplines you’ll discover in the Younique book is the discipline of looking back at your life and identifying the key stages and transition points. We all have moments in our lives that shape us dramatically and set our course for the future. These moments can take all forms and span across all aspects of our lives—work, family, friendships, and more.
In the Younique journey, you’ll look backward at the moments that have shaped you to provide greater clarity about where God is taking you as you move forward. My hope is that this becomes a part of your routine—living your life with eyes wide open to the crucial seasons and moments of change—so that you move closer to your purpose every day.
Old ways won't open any new doors.
You may be in one of those crucial moments right now as you’re reading this. The pressure of a critical decision or the overwhelming sense of unease can make it difficult to move forward. In those moments, you need clarity more than anything. What would you be willing to do to find it?
We’ve designed a premium, one-on-one, 48-hour experience that will provide the ultimate clarity you need at life’s crucial moments. We call it a 48-Hour Retreat. You’ll meet with me or one of our core team who will walk with you through a process to clarify your LifePlan and give you the freedom to move forward with confidence when the road ahead seems hazy.
Don't count the days. Make the days count.
We’re on the verge of a new decade. It’s a natural time for each of us to look back and see whether or not we’ve been living out God’s special assignment in the last 10 years. And it presents a unique challenge to us to take the steps right now to live with intentionality and purpose for the next decade.
What is God calling you to do and be in the next 10 years? What should be the focus of your days, weeks, months, and years? Do you know? Are you committed to living out God’s dream for your life? What steps are you taking to ensure that you don’t miss your special calling?
This could be the time when you need ultimate clarity. We’d love to walk alongside you to help you find it in a personal, 48-hour experience.
Contact the Younique Team to let us know you’re interested in a one-on-one retreat and we’ll contact you to talk through the details of cost, location, and timing.
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