Dwight Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States and storied general who helped the Allied forces to win World War II, offered this piece of wisdom: “Plans are worthless, but planning is everything.” Of course Eisenhower had plans when leading American troops into battle. But the process of planning is where we explore options and consider the “what ifs” that may lie down the road. This probing and experimenting is crucial to our development as people, leading us to appropriate and wise decisions as future events unfold.

What is your process of planning? Do you have an intentional plan to stay focused on the important things? Or do you regularly allow the urgent to crowd out what’s most important?

I’ve learned over the years that too many people don’t recognize what’s most important—they’ve never taken the time to identify those things. Because of that, they don’t know where to start in organizing their time for maximum effectiveness.

The Younique book was created to help people know and name their special calling from God and even create a plan for how they will pursue it. We’ve seen thousands of people go through the Younique process and be energized by the clarity they’ve discovered.

But they still need to live it every day. If you want to change, you have to change something you do daily.

So we created the Younique Planner.

If you want to change, you have to change something you do daily.


The Younique Planner is the perfect companion as you live your special calling, achieve your goals, and pursue God’s dream for your life. It’s built around the principles described in the Younique book, translating them into intentional rhythms to keep you on track.

The Younique Planner provides a framework for you to work from that is like nothing else you’ve ever seen. And it’s based on your unique goals and LifeCall once you’ve articulated them through the Younique process.

Here’s what you can do with the Younique Planner.

1. Declare Your 90-Day Goal

Singularity is the power of productivity. In the Planner, you’ll set your unique 90-day goal and commit the time and energy needed to be successful.

2. Plan Your Week

Win the battle between what is urgent and what is important by proactively allocating your time and energy before the week starts. Assess your progress toward your goals and make intentional choices for how you will approach the week.

3. Optimize Each Day

Begin and end each day in prayer. Steward your resources and make the most of each day where you live, work and play. Listen to what God is saying in that moment. Monitor your progress as you practice the rhythms that nurture your body, mind, and soul.

4. Reflect and Adjust

Embrace the breakthrough practice of reflecting backward before moving forward. Reflect on the week gone by to gain new insights and convictions on how to approach the week ahead. Stay focused on your 90-day goal and what truly matters most, listening to God and receiving his direction for the path forward.

Reflect backward before moving forward.


You will never drift into God’s dream for your life. You have to make a plan . . . and you have to work your plan every day.

The Younique book will equip you to know and name God’s dream, and the Younique Planner will empower you to live it out on a daily basis. The Younique Planner will be available in January 2020.

Imagine the energy and focus that will come from approaching life this way! That’s my prayer for you.

Topics: Date: Dec 18, 2019 Tags: Younique Book / younique