"Regardless of how well organized all the stuff in our garage may be, laying everything out on tables in light of day yields a completely new perspective of it all."
This principle is articulated by Dan Roam in the The Back of the Napkin.
When Auxano helps a church assess its ministry strategy we walk the empowered leadership through an exercise that helps them see more clearly everything that the church is doing. Basically we simulate a garage sale. Without exception we surface new insight and immediate action steps when we lay all out all of the ministries "on the driveway" at once.
What metaphorical garage sale would help you unlock critical ministry insight. What would it look like to lay out different information in one place, and one time, in clear view:
- What are the key responsibility areas of everyone on your team?
- What is the breakdown of giving units in the congregation?
- How may total volunteer positions as a church are we attempting to fill?
Have fun and keep in mind this simple exercise works in any area of your life, like a file drawer or closet or day-timer.