For you, what associations come from these two words? Fear. Challenge. Hope. Maybe its simply, "Dear Lord, please not again!"
Now, what about these three words...
"Capital Campaign Consultant"
Hmmmm. What do you think? Really, what do you think? I would like to know (so feel free to leave me a comment).
I'll tell you what comes to mind from my 1999 experience when Clear Creek Community Church engaged a well-know campaign consultant. (I won't mention any names but you might be able to gage it from my response.)
Too Slick. Tacked-on. Wouldn't do it again.
I have found four primary reasons that pastors aren't so crazy about calling someone to help with their capital campaigns:
- The cost seems high for what you get
- What you get reflects common industry knowledge
- The campaign program isn't adaptable to the leadership culture
- The campaign program isn't genuinely spiritual
Or to put it another way and look at it from the positive, most pastors are looking for a experienced campaign navigator who will...
- Bring unmistakable value
- Through real thought leadership
- With a seamless, culture-savvy experience
- That provides rooted and relevant discipleship
Why do I mention these four must-haves for a campaign process? Because a new player is entering the campaign arena with an altogether different starting point. That new player is Auxano. I have brought Todd McMichen on to design, build and along with Clint Grider, Jim Randall and myself, a stunningly unique campaign experience. Why shouldn't team that brought you CHURCH UNIQUE by writing the rulebook on missional vision,