Or you might think of clarity the way you do a periodic table. All matter is made of combinations of 118 elements.
Origin- Shapes Identity
Conviction- Strengthens Connection
Priority - Guides Execution
Perspective - Broadens Understanding
Means - Creates Synergy
Ends - Nourishes Meaning
Destiny - Unlocks Motivation
The world of clarity has seven wonders. The leader who has visited these seven wonders will never lack at knowing what to do and how to do it.
Or you might think of clarity the way you do a periodic table. Just like all matter is made of combinations of 118 elements. All meaning in life will trace back to clarity through these basic 7 elements.
Clarity of Origin.
- Who am I?
- Who are we?
- Where did this or that come from?
Clarity of Origin unlocks the Law of Identity. The leader who explores, understands and articulates the stuff of origin will be profoundly equipped to shape identity.
Clarity of Conviction-
- What motivates me the most?
- Why do I (we) do what we do?
- What do I (we) believe?
Clarity of Conviction opens up the Law of Bonding. When two people realize that they share convictions, both convictions are deepened. Both people are attracted and bonded to one another and more deeply to their convictions. Also, nothing bonds people like a common enemy. Often convictions have an "unspoken enemy" manifested by results, the state or the value of the anti-conviction. What happens when the conviction is not held?
Clarity of Perspective - How does it fit? What is the relationship of this to that? What is my world-view? Broadens Understanding
Clarity of Priority - What next? What's most important now? What do I do today? Priority - Guides Execution
Clarity of Means How do I get from here to there? How does this work? How do we work together? - Creates Synergy
Clarity of Ends - To what end? What is the purpose of this? What is our mission? Nourishes Meaning
Clarity of Destiny - Where are we headed, Where is God taking us, What is my future, What is our future? Unlocks Motivation