The Destiny Chapters FREE Download

The Destiny Chapters

Part 6 of the Younique Book covers Bucket List, Ultimate Contribution and the Spiritual Practice of Meditating on Death

Thank you for coming by the blog to get the free download called, The Destiny Chapters, which is part 6 of my book entitled, Younique: Designing the Life God Dreamed for You.


Oct 2, 2023 Tweet this

90-Day Goal Together

90-Day Goal Together

Daily fuel to crush your next personal goal

If you have experienced our Younique training you know how important the 90-day goal is. In fact I believe it is the most powerful practice to become and do more with your life. If you have not completed any Younique training, don’t worry, you can still jump right in!


Jan 3, 2021 Tweet this

Remembering the Power of Value as an Antidote to Violence

Remembering the Power of Value as an Antidote to Violence

A Response to the Death of George Floyd

The events of the last two weeks in our nation have been unsettling, frustrating, maddening, and even shocking. With the death of George Floyd on May 25, a spark seems to have been kindled to a fire in our society. When we don’t see the God-given values in others, we easily become violent toward them. If we don’t believe at the core that human beings are made in the image of God, we can ignore each other, oppress each other, The Greek word translated as “workmanship” in Ephesians 2:10 above is only used in one other place in the New Testament. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood We have taken intentional steps as an organization to do what we can to make the gospel-centered life design process accessible for everyone, regardless of race or socio-economic background. Unfortunately, in the past, life planning or life coaching have been As we shared with our Younique family and I wanted to share with my blog readers as well, we would humbly invite you to do 3 things during this moment in our nation. 1 - Reflect and listen. One of the practices Jesus said that people will know we are His followers by our love for one another. He said this to His disciples after washing their feet … and hours before He would lay down His life for them, for us, [...]

Jun 5, 2020 Tweet this

A 3-Part Scorecard for a Life Well Lived

A 3-Part Scorecard for a Life Well Lived

Redefining Success on the Gospel

What is success? And how do you measure it? Some measure success by how happy they feel.Some by how much they have accomplished.Some by how wealthy they are.Some by how many friends they have.Some by how many people know their name. But #1 – Ups and Downs O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly; My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You, In a dry and weary land where there is no water. . . . When #2 – Your Bucket List David said, “My son Solomon is just an inexperienced young man, and the temple to be built for the LORD must be especially magnificent so it will become famous and be considered splendid by all the #3 – Your Ultimate Contribution David, after he had served God’s purpose in his own generation, died [and] was buried with his ancestors. – Acts 13:36 (NET) “You had one job.” You’ve probably heard this chastisement before, especially when delivered by a comedian [...]

Apr 23, 2020 Tweet this

The Younique 48-Hour Retreat:

Ultimate Clarity at Life’s Crucial Moments

The Younique 48-Hour Retreat: Ultimate Clarity at Life’s Crucial Moments

One-On-One Coaching Can Make All the Difference

One of the opportunities you’ll have as you digest the Younique book is a 48-Hour Retreat. It's the discipline of looking back at your life, one-on-one with a coach and identifying the key stages and transition points before you look forward. We all have moments in our lives that shape us dramatically and set our course for the future. These moments can take all forms and span across all aspects of our lives—work, family, friendships, and more.


Dec 30, 2019 Tweet this

The Younique 4-day Accelerator:

Jumpstart Your Journey with the Younique Book in Hand!

Jumpstart Your Younique Book Journey with the Accelerator 4-Day Experience

Clarity on God's Dream for Your Life is only 4 Days Away

The 4-Day Accelerator is an intensive experience that accelerates breakthrough. The entire journey, all 24 sessions, are covered in this 4-Day group experience. Skilled facilitators and trained table coaches guide your journey as you begin to discover and name your special assignment from God.


Dec 23, 2019 Tweet this

The Younique 90-Day Planner:

The Companion Tool to the Younique Book

The Younique 90-Day Planner: Plans Are Useless but Planning is Invaluable

What is your process of planning?

Dwight Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States and storied general who helped the Allied forces to win World War II, offered this piece of wisdom: “Plans are worthless, but planning is everything.” Of course Eisenhower had plans when leading American troops into battle. But the process of planning is where we explore options and consider the “what ifs” that may lie down the road. This probing and experimenting is crucial to our development as people, leading us to appropriate and wise decisions as future events unfold.


Dec 18, 2019 Tweet this

Get the tools and motivation to live your unique calling

Go Deeper into the Younique Book with E-Courses Launching January 2020

Get the tools and motivation to live your unique calling

I am excited to announce that we have created new Younique Courses to give you the tools and motivation to live your unique calling. These courses are referenced in the Younique book, providing a bridge from learning to doing. Get moving as Dave, Kelly, and I equip you with the tools you need to answer the nagging questions and direction for where to invest your time, energy, and resources.


Dec 11, 2019 Tweet this

Equip Your People with Personal Clarity

20/20 Vision for Life: Empower Your People With a Clear Vision for Their Lives

A 6-week all-church campaign to mobilize your church

One of the most frequent conversations that I have with pastors and leaders is about the feeling of being stuck. More and more energy and resources are being poured into the activity of the church but it is not leading to real church growth.

In only a few short weeks we will be ringing in 2020, a new year and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to talk to your church about vision. One of the realizations that I have come to during my two decades of helping churches pursue clarity is this: our church’s vision is powerless until we empower the personal calling of our people.


Dec 3, 2019 Tweet this

About Will

Would you like to fall in love with ministry again?

I want you and your ministry to experience the benefits of stunning, God-given clarity. As a pastor turned vision coach, I’ve worked with an unprecedented variety of churches from growing mega-churches and missional communities, to mainline revitalization and church plants. I started several interconnected organizations that help the church embody the movement that Jesus founded. My visionary planning tools, the Vision Frame and the Horizon Storyline are used by thousands of churches every year through my calling to raise up other consultants and trainers. In 2004, I founded Auxano, which I sold to LifeWay and continued to lead until 2020. In 2014, I created Younique to deliver gospel-centered life design through the church. It is now the world's only comprehensive, open-source life plan system.

In 2023, I founded Run Free as my official team-based consulting shop. We deliver the most innovative Vision Framing experiences available to church teams through the "Pivvot Process" and to network/denominational leaders through the "Denominee Process." We also offer team coaching to church leaders using the "Performance Practices" of meta-performance executive coaching.

I've written seven books: Future Church, Church Unique, Younique, Clarity Spiral, God Dreams, Innovating Discipleship, and Building Leaders. I enjoy speaking about clarity, calling, disciple-making, and vision. It's all about helping one another do more than we can imagine. I co-locate in Houston and Chile with my wife, Romy, and the last of my four children, Poema.

If you are interested in Run Free's consulting offerings or want to discuss getting a LifePlan, just reach out to set up a conversation.

More About Will
Will Mancini