On Thursday Auxano rolled out a new kind of e-mail tool redesigned for simplicity and focused content delivery. The purpose is to adapt an old delivery method in the age where social networking media has passed it by. The the first topic of this new "Auxano Insights" is Strategic Banning.
If you like the the article leader, you sign-up for 3-6 more e-mails that all come in the next month, totally clutter free, and ad free. We call this "Drill Down."
In this Issue: What is strategic banning?
Thousands of churches and ministries across the country still invest heavily in traditional strategic planning practices. To what end? The result can be underwhelming at best and frustrating at worst. After the grueling hours and overpriced consultants have expired, the leader is left standing with 150-page notebook that works better as boat anchor than an organizational rudder.
Strategic banning - It’s time to shut down traditional approaches to strategic planning and start something new.
To learn more about the fallacies of strategic planning and uncover the pathway to better visioning, subscribe to this issue’s Drill Down.
To read the first intro article, Obscuring the Essence click here
To subscribe to the Auxano Insights free resource click here