In response to some comments, I have been reflecting further on stickiness.

One thing to keep in mind is how much the idea of "contrived" is a function of the particular micro-culture. I am amazed by how word-choice that strikes a chord in one community, may feel forced in another. For example, a Baptist Church in FL articulates their mission as, "Building relationships that bring people to dynamic life in Christ." The boomer leaders near Tampa Bay love the idea "dynamic life" in their particular context. A Presbyterian church however, going through the same process, was turned off by the language of “dynamic life” and produced the following statement: "Renewing minds and redeeming lives with the steadfast love of Jesus Christ.” For this group the big idea of “loyal love” that runs through the Old Testament (Hebrew – hesed), is a relevant “ancient-future” articulation that drives their missional community. In addition, two prominent features of their locale make “steadfast” more sticky. First is their proximity to the famous Alamo in San Antonio. Second is their commitment to stay downtown when other churches moved to the suburbs, reflected by their value of “city transformation.” So imagine how one word, “steadfast” (a word that’s not that sexy) captures one of the weightiest concepts of God’s O.T. love as well as a giant piece of Texas state history within view of the church, as well as the most import decision in the church’s history.

Topics: Date: Sep 13, 2008 Tags: