- Are the Lutherans the only group that has the privilege to proclaim the Law and Gospel? If not, then why should Lutherans exist?
- Why would an active Christ follower in 2009 want to be Lutheran if they weren’t born into it?
- What is the single greatest reason to be a Lutheran in 2009? Why would a lost world care about that reason?
- If we are stronger at educating children than other denominations why aren’t we a growing denomination?
- Do we want to exercise the privilege of preaching without the responsibility being sent? (Romans 10)
- Who are Lutherans sent to today? Who is your church sent to reach?
- Does practicing the sacraments make you a church if you have jettisoned the mission of Jesus?
- What is keeping the strongest churches in our pack from taking more risks?
- If our strongest churches of the LCMS don’t take the risks then who will?
- What’s keeping the denomination from dramatically celebrating the small pockets of true innovation?
- Why aren’t the larger churches and the denominational leaders working better together for the future of the denomination?
- What will the state of the denomination be in 2080?
- Why do we elevate academia over action when our founder modeled both?
- How come Lutherans have fewer large churches than many other protestant groups?
- Who is solving our ineffective decision-making structures and policies and why aren’t large churches banding together to show the way?
- What would you be willing to give up today in your church (speaking to the large church pastor) if it meant the denomination would be stronger in 2080?