This title is for you: The leader. You are a ministry leader. You a called by God to be a minister of the Gospel. You get up in the morning and you want to align your life and ministry with the life and ministry of Jesus. Don't forget Jesus was a monster multiplier.
I was recently having dinner with Robert Coleman, author of many books including the classic work, "The Master Plan of Evangelism." As we talked and talked and talked, several points with deeply impressed in my brain. One comment was simple yet profound. Dr. Coleman said in the tone of an afterthought, "The disciples were not surprised by the Great Commission." What was his point? He was clarifying that the mission to make disciples was not a new idea of a novel thought. It was what the twelve had seen modeled in every nook and cranny of life. Furthermore, every act, every event, every word of our Savior had a multiplication intent. And as a ministry leader you are reading this blog today, called by God and leading ministry, because his intent translated to impact.
So stop your "doing" that just "does." Focus, prioritize and practice-until-you-master the kind of "doing" that multiplies.
Your greatest enemy and your biggest obstacle is that you are good at doing. You are so good at doing that if feels good to be good. Make no mistake, that is a problem. It feels so good to be good, you get stuck just doing.
What are you just doing that does?
- Are you just preaching to preach the next sermon?
- Are you just leading staff to lead the next staff meeting?
- Are you just having lunches with key leaders to have the next lunch?
- Are you just blogging to do the next blog?
- Are you just sharing your faith to share it again next time?
Is the footprint impact of your life, just as big as your competency today? If you got hit by a Mack Truck what legacy would keep rolling?
What can you be doing that multiplies?
- How are you preaching so others can learn your trade?
- How are you leading meetings so that others can lead more effectively?
- Who are you taking to lunch to watch your casual-yet-intentional influence mojo?
- Who are you letting into you blog writing process?
- How are you showing others how you learned to share you faith?
When was the last time you spontaneously debriefed with a huddle of leaders, or reviewed how you did what you do, or invited someone to an unexpected time and place to watch you do what you do?
You know what you are doing. You know how it could be multiplying. Go multiply today!