In Tribes, Godin references Senator Bill Bradley who unpacks the anatomy of a movement with three essentials:
- A narrative that tells a story about who we are and the future we are trying to build.
- A connection between and among the leader and the tribe
- Something to do- the fewer limits the better
Here are some questions for each essential:
Future-building Narratives
- Every church has a creation story. How clear and developed is yours? Can your team cast a shared, compelling vision based on your creation story?
- What is your most important priority right now as a church? What are one or two signature stories that help people understand and own that priority?
Note: Creation stories and signature stories are discussed further in Church Unique.
Leader-Follower Connections
- Where are lines of communication being blocked right now? Who is suffering the most from broken lines of communication?
- Is our greater barrier right now about tools and supports systems or about our attitudes as leaders? How would our volunteers answer this question?
- Are we leaning into social media, or creating excuses and making jokes about why we don't engage it more?
Doing Without Limits
- What limits have we created that are unnecessary for connecting and releasing our people?
- Where have limits have been imposed or created that where never intended?
- Where does our desire for control, lead to limits that really aren't necessary?