EverythingSpeaks.com is a new blog by Cheryl Marting, chief connections officer at Auxano.
Cheryl Marting is a great friend and colleague. I am particularly grateful for her role on the team as a multi-faceted leader. From the beginning, she has helped to shape our approach at Auxano and has excelled in helping our church clients build better teams and helping Auxano build better tools. Most importantly she leads Auxano Creative which is a niche design shop for clients who "Walk the Vision Pathway" with us.
For the last six years, most people have not thought of Auxano as a branding group because we have NOT wanted to be pigeon holed as one of the dozens of national ministry marketing firms. We don't just "do" branding and marketing for a client and if that is all they want, we politely decline. Instead, we want to help the few who really understand their vision communicate their vision visually.
Enter EverythingSpeaks.com. This year, now that Auxano's six year track record and Church Unique's awareness has clearly anchored us as a clarity and vision firm, we want to be more intentional about sharing what we have done in brand design. As Cheryl Marting leads Auxano Creative, she will share tidbits and insights from our clients and from the branding world in general. The hope of course, is that ministries across the globe will be more intentional with everything they communicate and every way they communicate because, after all, everything does speak.
Please stop by Cheryl's blog and let her know you stopped in with a quick comment. She just posted a great story branding story fro one of our client churches.