I was blown away when their communications director, Bethany Russell sent this eloquent and compelling e-mail with the final articulation of their Vision Frame. (I will share in a Church Unique snaphot later.)
Attached is our final "Identity" statement. This is the culmination of a lot of prayerful work by a lot of people. It's an exciting slip of paper. It captures who we are. What a question ...
Who are you?
"I Am" is all God needs to say.
But his churches need to say a bit more on the subject. He created each of us uniquely as people. As Christians, we are each uniquely created to serve Him.
A church family is a fellowship of people. So doesn't it make sense that each church family would be unique from all others, too?
When we truly grasp who we are, we know our heart. We know what makes our heart sing.
As leaders we MUST know our church's unique heart. Only then can we share it well.
When we understand "Who We Are," we can share it. Others can say, "Hey, I want to be a part of that!"
We become united and directed. We become stronger as a church family.
We can more easily help our church body become a people helping people find and follow Christ.