The BEST 12-pages from the Visual Summary : The VISION FRAME
The NEXT tool we are creating: The Unique 19 - "The Top Church List for the Rest of Us."
Who made the list for 2013? Stay tuned...

The LATEST initiative we launched. CAMPAIGNS!
Yes, finally your next capital campaign can be truly vision driven from the inside out, not just "vision sugar coated." See why I hired Todd McMichen to lead this initiative.

My milestone post on Facebook today. Swing by and check out my NEW author page.
Five years after the publishing of Church Unique, I could not be more grateful to God.
The original idea was to write the playbook for a small tribe of churches who were really intentional about the missional reorientation and authentic discipleship but didn't have a "go to" vision or planning process. My deepest desire was to free leaders from copying other church models and to design their own, based on their unique context and their unique calling.
But God used the book to expose the clarity and strategy vacuum that most churches in North America face. Today, Church Unique is being used as the recommended vision tool in a majority of denominations and church planting networks. It continues to fuel the work of our growing Auxano team and strategic partnerships with other resource providers in the church space. (like Ministry Grid and Visioneering Studios, a church architecture firm).
In the end, Church Unique would mean nothing, if it was not for the thousands of pastors who have passionately engaged the journey of discerning, developing and delivering an stunningly unique vision for the glory of Jesus. It's all about what HE is doing in beautiful and powerful ways through YOUR church!
(The picture represents one of the thousands of church teams that have taken their church through the Church Unique Vision Pathway.)