Becoming an Essentialist means making cutting, condensing, and correcting a natural part of our daily routine – making editing a natural cadence in our lives.
The Nonessentialist: The Essentialist:
Thinks that making things better means adding something Thinks that making things better means subtracting something
Attached to every word, image, or detail Eliminates the distracting words, images, and details
Limit: The freedom of setting boundaries
Essentialists recognize that boundaries protect their time from being hijacked and see them as empowering.
The Nonessentialist: The Essentialist:
Thinks if you have limits you will be limited Knows that if you have limits you will become limitless
Sees boundaries as constraining Sees boundaries as liberating
Exerts effort attempting the direct “no” Sets rules in advance that eliminate the need for the direct “no”