I was excited to see Church Unique listed in Leadership Journal's "Golden Canon." The article opening begins with a quote from Spurgeon: "A student will find that his mental constitution is more affected by one good book thoroughly mastered than by twenty books merely skimmed." Therefore Leadership Journal created a list "presenting the ten books of 2008 deemed most valuable." Here is the list:
The Leader's Outer World
The Reason for God, by Tim Keller (Winner)
Culture Making, by Andy Crouch
Axiom, by Bill Hybels
Consuming Jesus, by Paul Louis Metzger
Church Unique, by Will Mancini
The Leader's Inner World
Surprised by Hope, by N.T. Wright (Winner)
The Jesus Way, by Eugene Peterson
The Attentive Life, by Leighton Ford
Life with God, by Richard Foster
Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor, by D.A. Carson
Many thanks to Marshall Shelley and all the folks at Leadership Journal who continue to bring a strong kingdom resource to leaders. Their purpose is to serve church leaders by offering spiritual wisdom and practical tools for faithfully proclaiming and effectively living the gospel.