It's been a minute since I dropped a book on you (five years, to be exact), but I promise it's been worth the wait. I've been cooking up something special, and it's finally ready to serve. So, grab a seat at the table, because we're about to dig into some soul food for leaders.

Introducing "BlindSpotting: How to See What Faith-based Visionary Leaders Don't See"

You know me - I'm all about helping you craft crystal-clear vision for your church and ministry. We've walked that road together through "Church Unique," "God Dreams," and "Future Church." But this time, we're taking a detour. A necessary one, I might add.

See, here's the thing: You've done the work. You've crafted the vision. You've got the plan. But something's still... off. You're not quite hitting the mark you know you're capable of. Sound familiar? Well, my friend, you might be dealing with a case of leadership blindspots.

Why Blindspots? Why Now?

Let's be real for a second. We're living in a world that's changing faster than we can say "Sunday service." The pressures on pastors and ministry leaders are at an all-time high. We're expected to be visionaries, CEOs, counselors, and social media influencers all rolled into one. It's enough to make anyone's vision a little blurry.

But here's the kicker: The very things that make us great leaders - our confidence, our experience, our calling - can sometimes be the very things that blind us to new possibilities and potential pitfalls. It's like having a superpower that occasionally short-circuits. Frustrating, right?

That's where "BlindSpotting" comes in. It's not just another leadership book. It's a pair of divine spectacles, if you will, designed to bring those fuzzy areas into focus.

The Five Blindspots: Your Personal Vision Test

Now, I could just give you a list of things to watch out for, but where's the fun in that? Instead, we're going to dive into five key blindspots that affect every area of your leadership. And to make it stick, we're pairing each one with an actual vision problem. (Who says theology and optometry don't mix?)

1. Entitlement (Me) - Macular Degeneration

Remember when you first started in ministry? The excitement, the humility, the willingness to scrub toilets if it meant serving God's people? Yeah, success has a way of clouding that central vision. Like macular degeneration, entitlement creeps in slowly, dimming our view of our core purpose.

2. Presumption (You) - Astigmatism

Ever been so sure you knew what someone was thinking or what would work, only to be completely off base? That's presumption, and it's like having leadership astigmatism. It distorts how we see others and situations, leading to some seriously skewed judgments.

3. Isolation (Us) - Tunnel Vision

Ah, the leader's bubble. It's comfortable in here, isn't it? But just like tunnel vision cuts off our peripheral sight, isolation narrows our perspective to just our inner circle. Suddenly, we can't see the forest for the trees - or the congregation for the staff meetings.

4. Pathlock (It) - Myopia

You've got your vision statement, your five-year plan, your quarterly goals. But can you see beyond them? Pathlock is like leadership nearsightedness. We're so focused on the immediate and familiar that the distant future becomes a blur.

5. Scarcity (God) - Cataracts

Remember when you first felt God's call? The world was bursting with possibility. But somewhere along the way, budget constraints, staff limitations, and plain old fear can cloud our view of God's abundance. It's like developing cataracts of the soul.

What's Inside "BlindSpotting"

This isn't just a diagnostic tool - it's a corrective lens for your leadership. Here's a sneak peek at what you'll find inside:

- Personal stories that'll make you laugh, cringe, and nod in recognition
- A deep dive into each blindspot, including how to spot it and how to correct it
- Practical exercises to sharpen your leadership vision
- A revolutionary framework called the Vision Field Matrix that ties it all together
- Plenty of "I-never-thought-of-it-that-way" moments to keep you on your toes
We'll journey through each blindspot, examining how it affects your relationship with yourself, others, your organization, your vision, and ultimately, your understanding of God's work in and through you.

Why You Need This Book

Look, I get it. Your bookshelf is probably groaning under the weight of leadership tomes already. But here's why "BlindSpotting" deserves a spot:

1. It's real. No polished personas here - just raw, honest exploration of the struggles every leader faces.

2. It's relevant. This isn't repackaged leadership theory. It's built for the challenges of ministry in the 2020s and beyond.

3. It's revolutionary. By addressing these blindspots, you're not just tweaking your leadership - you're transforming it from the inside out.

Most importantly, it's a book for leaders who refuse to settle. Who know they're called to more. Who are willing to take a hard look in the mirror and do the work to level up their leadership.

Sound like you? Then saddle up, partner. We've got some blindspots to tackle.

Be Part of the "BlindSpotting" Journey

Now, here's where you come in. I'm looking for a team of frontline leaders to join me on this "BlindSpotting" journey. If you want exclusive access to tools, resources, and behind-the-scenes content as we prepare to launch this book, there's only one thing to do:

Shoot an email to with the subject line "I'm Ready to See Clearly!"

Together, we'll sharpen our vision, expand our perspective, and step into the fullness of the leadership God has called us to. No blindspots allowed.

Let's do this!

Clearly in Christ,


Topics: Date: Oct 15, 2024 Tags: