What can you expect? The same incredible format as their first online conference The NINES - a totally free online experience, with a mix of some great folks you already know as well as some new faces. Look for fewer total participants (40) and shorter clips at 6 minutes each. Contributers were asked to focus on a key learning and "aha!" moment in their life and ministry.
Where did the name originate? About ten months ago, I worked with LN's team to distill down their six values. They named this conference after their second value. Here is the list:
- What’s next? - We explore what could be.
- Aha! - We create environments for collaborative discovery.
- Positive deviants* We work with the exceptional.
- Generous relationships. We invest in the success of others.
- Results, results, results… We pursue BIG impact.
- JESUS We strive to model Jesus in everything we do.
The mission of Leadership Network is to accelerate the impact of 100X leaders. See a fun little interview on LN- Ben Arment with Dave Travis.