You're a blogger and I'm blogger and we all want to create great content.
On a flight from LA to Houston this week, I spent about 15 minutes and wrote down more great blog titles in one, short setting than I ever have. In fact, I know these will lead to to some of my better stuff of 2013.
So I want to share the exercise with you.
Now the secret is of this exercise connects to the great obstacle we all have: We get stuck saying what we want to say, not necessarily what adds value to our audience. So the question is how to we create better, more focused and valuable content for the people you are trying to help, bless or impact?
So I asked myself some questions:
- What are the blog posts that would add the most value to me today?
- What do I want to learn this week?
- What post would have the biggest impact on my leadership in 2013?
- What do I want to click on right now?!
Then I began writing and in less than 15 minutes, I had over 30 of the best blog titles I have ever seen in one place.
Now I still have translate the felt need of my urgency and priorities and relate it back to the purpose of my blogging. But I found this to be a powerful value-add filter. It forced me to get meaningfully specific. At the same time it unleashed a flood of instant creativity, just by asking a question I have never thought of.
Try it. And let me know if turned into an immediate launch-pad for customer-focused creativity.