Over the last decade, I have peered into all kinds of organizational systems and structures. Every once in a while my heart breaks again, when I realize how broken some organizations can be. Even worse, some leaders don't realize that the deep ruts never end. When is it time to stop the vehicle, get out and find another one?

Here are 5 Sure Signs:

#1 You have to create more complexity in order to make changes when the decision-making structure is already too complex.

#2 You have multiple ministry departments that supposedly share a common mission, but articulate it in radically different ways.

#3 You have a lot of really smart people that can't define the ministry's primary customer (and they really don't care.)

#4 You insist on approaching declining results with incremental solutions.

#5 You look for new donors because the primary customer doesn't value your services anymore.

Topics: Date: May 21, 2010 Tags: closing ministry / ministry vehicles / quitting ministry