Two new initiatives have marked my ministry in 2015 and have me spending more time on personal visioning.

The first is leading my first personal vision cohort. Fourteen people have joined with me for a 12-month journey of finding and aligning their personal vision. It continues to be a great joy, and you will see a lot of new content on my blog toward the end of 2015 under the banner of "younique." Younique will be a brand for training and tools for personal visioning like nothing else currently available.

Another initiative is writing the official trade book follow-up to Church Unique— the book is called God Dreams: 12 Vision Templates for Finding and Focusing Your Church's Future. Both of these books have me digesting content about visioning and dreaming.

Today I wanted to pass on five biblical principles for discerning your personal vision from Chip Ingram. These come right out of his chapter from Good to Great In God's Eyes: 10 Practices Great Christians have in Common. He calls it "Sanctified Dreaming" which I really appreciate. Chip does a great job of anchoring his insights in Scripture and is sensitive to the problem of chasing dreams for self-fulfillment rather than God's glory.

Here are his principles for dreaming God-sized dreams, each taken from the life of a biblical character.

#1 God commands us to step out of our comfort zone (ABRAHAM is our model.)

#2 God puts his dream in your heart (JOSEPH is our model.)

#3 God allows us to fail in our attempts to accomplish his dream in our own power. (MOSES is our model.)

#4 God teaches us through adversity to love the dream giver more than the dream. (DAVID is our model.)

#5 God clarifies our calling in times of crisis and often uses our worst failures as the platform for his future fulfillment. (The apostle PAUL is our model.)

I particularly like the last principle. Scarcity breeds clarity. And I am always amazed how God uses our failures to bring his fulfillment, which has reflected my own life story.

Which principle strikes you as most important to you life right now? Have you considered taking a personal vision journey for yourself? Why not check out Younique!