#2 Meet with a pastor whose church is 40% larger than yours and interview them.
#3 Read Great by Choice (Jim Collins), or The Advantage (Patrick Lencioni) with two other leaders.
#4 Stop a ministry that everyone knows should have been shut down for a very long time.
#5 Scan Eric Geiger's blog, co-author of Simple Church,or TonyMorganLive.com for 30 minutes.
#6 E-mail Bryan Rose, Mike Gammill or Tony Bowick for a FREE one hour vision coaching call.
#7 Communicate 50% less in your worship guide for one month to communicate only whats most important.
#8 Challenge your leaders (deacons, elders, council) to draw a picture of how your church accomplishes its mission.
#9 Spend a half day in prayerful reflection on your church's history (1/2 time) and future (1/2 time) in total silence
#10 Download this FREE chapter on Church Strategy from Church Unique.