Despite the fervency behind the call, pastors, unknowingly, wield their passion with a blunt vision instrument rather than a sharp one. Like a heroic knight of the round table, with eyes gleaming for justice and stallions mounted to ride, the sword's edge is not prepared.
That instrument of vision is in every leaders hand. No one would question the need for it. Everyone has preached on it. But few have made the most of it. Vision may be felt by the pastor, but it stays vague. It continues under-cultivated and under-appreciated becoming mind-blowingly dull by virtue of neglect.
What's the answer? We must making our vision more vivid. How do you get do that? I recommend two first steps:
Step One: Consider that the most vision statements in the church today are totally generic. Try yours for example. What is your vision? What do you say?
- Loving God and loving people?
- Reaching more people in your community?
- Glorifying God by starting missional communities?
- Being a flagship church in your denomination?
These are all excellent examples of generic vision. Generic is bad, its just not helpful. Intent is good. Biblical foundation is secure. But the power is gone.
Step Two: Grow your discontent for leading with a generic vision.
In order for pastors to lead with a vivid church vision statement we must first recognize what vivid is and what is not. What is not vivid I will refer to as generic.
The purpose of this post is to politely ask you to consider whether to not your vision statement is generic or vivid. In order to really help you with your vision, two things area essential. When you consider all ways that "vivid" can be defined, its hard to pick just one that you would want to amplify your vision. How does a vision that's intense, alive, realistic, distinct and striking sound?

- Generic vision escapes notice, but a vivid picture stays unforgettable.
- Generic vision lacks importance but a vivid picture provides meaning.
- Generic vision dims enthusiasm but a vivid picture creates energy.
- Generic vision prolongs passivity but a vivid picture incites action.
- Generic vision limits contribution but a vivid picture unlocks sacrifice.
- Generic vision excuses mediocrity but a vivid picture inspires greatness.
- Generic vision scatters attention but a vivid picture aligns perspective.
- Generic vision enables division but a vivid picture generates synergy.
- Generic vision dilutes impact but a vivid picture maximizes achievement.
- Generic vision aids consumerism but a vivid picture promotes disciple-making.